I am appalled to say that once again Hunter is being called racial names on the school bus, we dealt with this problem last year and had many days of him being close to tears over the name calling like fat white boy and cracker and many other lovely names they could think of.
First day of school Hunter gets off the bus and I notice the face....its the face of someone who has been picked on to the point of bursting into tears so as the bus is pulling off a boy I would say looks to be in the first grade yells whitey out the window !!
I am thinking you have to be kidding me the FIRST day of school and already ??
So Hunter tells me that they are calling him whitey and white boy again on the bus.
The next morning Gary watched Shawn and the little girl I babysit so I can go in to the school and be able to discuss what was going on, I tell the principal what is going on and she says wow I am shocked because we don't have racial issues at this school (mental eye roll) and that she will take care of this right away....her plan is to get on the bus that day and talk to all the kids.
So the bus pulls up and I am out there waiting and as the bus pulls away a different boy yells something to me and jumps down in his seat I didn't hear what he said but I know it wasn't nice to see you, so I call the principal and she assures me its going to be handled.
What they ended up doing is splitting that bus into two buses apparently it was crowded and hard for the driver to see what was going on and pick out who the bullies were.
So far we haven't had any problems and thats great but I can't get over how children in the first, second and third grade know how to call people racial names its really been weighing on my heart that kids that young think they have a problem with children that aren't' the same skin tone as them !!!
I wish I had a voice big enough to really do something about it, I hate seeing the cycle of racism keep going and I don't want Hunter to grow up in that environment were he is being told he's different from them because of his skin color...children should not see color they should see other children.
that's absolutely right, children should not know the difference in the color of their skin. That's so horrible that Hunter has to go thru that.
September 4, 2008 at 1:35 PM
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