Happy Valentines Day !!
Happy Valentines !
For the record heart shaped pancakes.....not as easy to make as I thought they would be...
Gary and I did the ritual of exchanging cards....Gary upped me by writing a nice note in his card (as he pointed out) and bought me a new cookbook !!!!! soo sweet !
Shawn got the cutest Valentine from his friend Owen !!
look how serious he looks checking out his card !!
Aww kisses for Owen ! It was so sweet he opened it and just kissed his face !
We went to a Valentines Dinner our church put together it was downtown in this really neat older building and it had great catered food, I ordered a grown up drink and you can tell I don't drink because the first sip made me grimace and I sent Gary back up to have them tone it down lol !!
After dinner they had dancing I danced one slow song and did the electric slide and the cha cha slide I sat out most of the dancing...I don't know whats with me I would have been out there all night dancing 5 years ago but I have grown shy in public for some odd reason?
Our church had childcare provided at the church which was great because our usual sitter was going to the dinner also so we would have been stuck at home lol.
It was a pretty good night but poor Hunter and Shawn, Shawn cried the whole time and wouldn't let Hunter put him down hence the "poor Hunter"......we were so proud that Hunter stepped up and cared for his brother like he did, they said he didn't even get to eat because he was holding Shawn !!
One of the other boys there (Shawn's future brother inlaw) took over and let Hunter eat, so when Gary and I went to pick them up this boy Zach had gotten Shawn asleep and had a jacket under Shawns head and was snuggling with him on the floor I have never seen a cuter sight !!!
When we went home we treated the boys to the HUGE cheesecake slice we brought home for them from the dinner (literally best cheesecake I have ever had !).
Gary made this for Shawn isn't it really cute ??
I told him I saw it somewhere and liked it and asked if he knew how to make it because otherwise it is expensive and he surprised me with it one day !!!
I picked the paint color I knew I wanted something bright and I kept going back to this one I like it I think it looks like a blue lego lol !

Can you make Owen one of those shelves too and ship it up to us?! hehe Love it! Might show that to my dad to build for us! Love the color! Looks great!!!!
February 20, 2008 at 1:24 PM
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