Monday, February 2, 2009

Snow in NC??

It snowed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They have been saying its going to snow and I always roll my eyes because they are never right and it actually snowed !!!

Shawn thought it was the neatest stuff but he didn't like the build up on the bottom of his shoes it was that good snowball kind of snow so it just caked up in his shoe treads and he kept walking in the snow and then running over and banging them off on the sidewalk!

For some reason this pic reminds me of my cousin Jason...

Hunter getting the snow from his trampoline
Playing on the trampoline...Loving the snow!

The snow actually stayed on the ground it took about 2 days to go away was nice to wake up and see a little white on the ground!


Blogger Selena said...

Yah snow, you can have ours....hee hee I'm so sick of won't go away!
Too cute that Shawn didn't like it on his shoes...Owen loves it, because he can then eat it off his shoes (yum yum) and that always makes his mommy so happy when he does that because then she doesn't have to make him lunch :) LOL j/k.

February 2, 2009 at 7:14 PM


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