Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone !
Christmas Eve the boys got to unwrap their presents from out of town family and LOVED everything Hunter begged to go spend his gift cards but we told him everything was closed so he would have to wait, once it got a little later we gave the boys their new pj's, watched a movie and just relaxed and then off to bed to wait for Santa...of course we are so lucky that Santa comes or we would have been the ones staying up putting together a play kitchen and wrapping presents until 5am good thing for Santa huh ;) !
Around 8:30am we all woke up to see what Santa had left us, Shawn was so excited about his kitchen that we had to show him he also had gifts that needed unwrapping but once he got the hang of it there was wrapping paper everywhere.
The boys were pretty close on how fast they unwrapped presents lol we thought Hunter would have all his done way before Shawn but Shawn was pretty fast he doesn't hand me every little tiny piece anymore but he still had to get every piece off the present so funny.
Once presents were over we cleaned up and the boys went off to their rooms to play with all their new stuff and I put the turkey in the oven and relaxed since we were planning on a later lunch/dinner.

Around 2:30 or 3 my inlaws came over and Hunter played with his cousins while Shawn went around hitting everyone up for soda and Hershey's kisses I am surprised he didn't get sick he must have ate half the kisses that were in the bowl and every time someone told him that was enough he went and asked someone else lol !
I don't know what this is all about but I had to put it on here lol !

All of us had a really good day, dinner was great and everyone had a nice time hanging out and spending time with each other...Thank you everyone who came we enjoyed being with you all!
All of us had a really good day, dinner was great and everyone had a nice time hanging out and spending time with each other...Thank you everyone who came we enjoyed being with you all!
Thank you to everyone who sent the boys presents trust me they were very much appreciated and loved I will be sending pics of them opening them and playing with them when I get a free minute.
And for all the Christmas cards thank you we love getting all those cards with the pictures of the kids they are all sooooo cute!
Love to everyone and hope everyone had as good of a holiday as us.....Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Glad you had a great Christmas!!!! The pics are great!!!
December 28, 2008 at 6:41 PM
These pictures are awesome! They are so cute. I want to drive up to see you guys so bad..I miss you! I love you!
December 29, 2008 at 7:21 PM
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