Happy Thanksgiving !
Happy Thanksgiving everyone !
We spent our Thanksgiving in the mountains of West Virginia at my father inlaws house.
Gary wanted to help his dad tile the bathroom he added onto his house so we loaded up and headed for the mountains to tile and eat :)
Gary wanted to help his dad tile the bathroom he added onto his house so we loaded up and headed for the mountains to tile and eat :)
The car rental place said no dogs....but every time we loaded the truck up to go she would jump in the truck so we knew we had to take her or she would be sad...just don't tell the rental people lol Gary took the truck to a car wash and vacuumed her side about 10 times when we got home.
The kids were so good the whole trip Shawn took a pretty good nap the first 2 hours and when we stopped at the army base to get Gary's brother he woke up and we got out had some dinner at Quizno's stretched our legs got some coffee for us and snacks for the kids and headed back on the road, I got in the back with Shawn I didn't want Gary's brother to have to sit with a 2 year old for 5 hours, we all just talked and listened to music for the next few hours and I started getting carsick so Gary's brother offered to swap seats but when I got in front Shawn had a melt down so I had to suck it up and get back in the seat so no one would listen to a screaming child the rest of the trip but he ended up falling asleep and I just rolled my window down enough to get air and made it to the house without getting sick luckily!
The kids were so good the whole trip Shawn took a pretty good nap the first 2 hours and when we stopped at the army base to get Gary's brother he woke up and we got out had some dinner at Quizno's stretched our legs got some coffee for us and snacks for the kids and headed back on the road, I got in the back with Shawn I didn't want Gary's brother to have to sit with a 2 year old for 5 hours, we all just talked and listened to music for the next few hours and I started getting carsick so Gary's brother offered to swap seats but when I got in front Shawn had a melt down so I had to suck it up and get back in the seat so no one would listen to a screaming child the rest of the trip but he ended up falling asleep and I just rolled my window down enough to get air and made it to the house without getting sick luckily!
Hunter went outside when he woke up and didn't come back in until dinner was ready and Shawn played with his cousin...we took them out on the trampoline but it was just too cold for their little faces that we took them back in and then just ran around and told us they weren't sharing lol !

I was a little disappointed I wasn't going to cook this year but my father inlaw made such a good dinner I really couldn't be too upset...I ate so much I thought I was going to bust and then I ate leftovers for the next 3 days for lunch and dinner everyone kept asking if I was sick of it yet...answer....definetly not when its so good !
The second day we were there was colder so he only lasted 5 minutes on the trampoline !
Poor Kalee she dislikes baths more than anything and I scrubbed her before the trip so she wouldn't smell up the car and she wasn't happy with me but then the day after we got there she got dirty outside in the mud that looks like clay and had to have another bath she was pitiful just sitting there looking like she would rather be anywhere else than in the bathtub for the second time in a week.

Here is one of the ways the kids amused themselves...
Its so funny how he thinks he can help his brother up but very sweet !

You would think size helps in a fight not in this case, Kalee just wouldn't learn she wanted to play and he wanted nothing to do with her we kept having to rescue her from the jaws of fury lol but she kept trying to play with him until I had to just keep her away from him.

You would think size helps in a fight not in this case, Kalee just wouldn't learn she wanted to play and he wanted nothing to do with her we kept having to rescue her from the jaws of fury lol but she kept trying to play with him until I had to just keep her away from him.
Shawn and his cousin they were so cute running around the house and playing she kept telling us "I hit" and he would yell at her "no hit" they were so funny together.

Well that was our Thanksgiving hope everyone had a nice holiday !
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