So we went to our Ultrasound this morning at 10am and we had a new woman this time and she was so nice and patient and let us see the baby for a long time and showed us every little part we wanted to see....and the most important part of course to see what the baby is and its definetly a girl !!!!!
Hunter and Shawn cames with us and Hunter thought it was "so cool" that you could see the baby's spine and Shawn just kept saying "A Baby" which was neat that he did sort of know whats going on.
I couldnt' believe how wild she was it was almost weird to watch because she would stretch and you could see her and then she kept swallowing and opening and closing her mouth and covering her face with her hand and then she crossed her legs and the woman had to push on her knees to get her to uncross her legs to double check and make sure she was indeed a girl.
I hope her being so active doesn't mean we are in for it lol !!!