Saturday, February 28, 2009

Play-dough Fun

I finally bought Shawn some playdough (I don't know why I never thought to get it before) and he LOVED it !
I asked him which color he wanted to play with and of course his favorite color...Orange lol I wonder when he will realize his hair is that color?
Thats his new CARS hat he watches the movie everyday and runs around saying ka-chow and ka-chinga (you have to see the movie).
his spider we made....

A snake mommy !
why is it that everytime I take a pic of a cute event his shirt is always dirty?? ugh figures huh lol!
Thats life I guess :)
Anyone have any ideas on how to get him to give up his highchair to Peyton ? he thinks he is a King in it !

Guess Who?

So just a little game can you tell which one is Shawn and which one is Peyton?

Okay so maybe they aren't twins but at times its scary how much she looks like him especially when she makes the boo boo face and gets ready to cry..Gary and I just look at each other and say wow that is crazy !
She is looking less and less like him now that she is turning into a little chunky monkey since he was such a peanut :)

*just in case you can't tell the top one is Shawn and the bottom is Peyton, as you can see she is a much more content baby lol !

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Loving my new camera !!

I can actually take close ups !! Love it !
Little miss Peyton


and another one of Peyton

Monday, February 2, 2009

Snow in NC??

It snowed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They have been saying its going to snow and I always roll my eyes because they are never right and it actually snowed !!!

Shawn thought it was the neatest stuff but he didn't like the build up on the bottom of his shoes it was that good snowball kind of snow so it just caked up in his shoe treads and he kept walking in the snow and then running over and banging them off on the sidewalk!

For some reason this pic reminds me of my cousin Jason...

Hunter getting the snow from his trampoline
Playing on the trampoline...Loving the snow!

The snow actually stayed on the ground it took about 2 days to go away was nice to wake up and see a little white on the ground!