The boys meet Peyton!
The boys got to come meet Peyton for the first time on Sunday morning !
They were both so excited and got to hold her it was really sweet, Shawn was great he said she had pretty hair and wanted to keep kissing her and Hunter was more laid back and just looked proud to finally have a sister.
Not the greatest pic of me but I loved the expression on Shawns face so I had to put it on here
Here is Hunter with his little sister
Once Shawn saw the baby and me he was more interested in the water faucet than us..
Peyton all ready to go home !

Shawn is in love with his sister he is constantly coming over and kissing her and wants to be near her or hold her, he doesn't even want to snuggle with me anymore its all about his sister !

So far so good everyone...of course I am very tired and sore but she has been great and slept great last night she only woke up to nurse twice !!
Today she has been sitting in her bouncy seat content to be left alone and I was able to eat my whole dinner without a peep from her !!
Thank you everyone for the well wishes and prayers we are so blessed !