This past week....
Instead of writing 3 or 4 blogs I will just do one....this week has not been fun....first Gary and I were sick all of Easter weekend, the Easter bunny almost didn't come...I didn't even get pics of the kids with their baskets and we were way to sick to go to church.
I didn't get sick until Saturday night so I did get to take the kids to the Church Easter egg hunt and the kids had a good time, Hunter won a big basket and Shawn ran around with kids he only got 2 eggs because it scared him when everyone was running around screaming for eggs lol !

Then Monday Shawn ran into the front door and broke his tooth in half, Tuesday morning we got an appt and they said he had to come back that afternoon and get it pulled and he had some bottle rot on his top teeth and said the same would happen to the other one also so I told them to pull them both, it definitely went down in history as the worst thing I have ever experienced they strapped his hands down and then wrapped him in this velcro body wrap from his neck to his ankles and I had to watch my poor baby go thru this it was AWFUL I thought I was going to be sick....when it was all done and I am getting in the car I discover I left my lights on and the battery was dead...of course !
For the rest of the week he went thru binky withdrawals...the first day he asked a lot but then gradually it was just once in awhile until what I call the "MELTDOWN" when he flipped out and trashed my diaper bag saying "its in the bag mommy its in the bag, just get it mommy its in the bag" after he got that out of his system he is much better only asking out of habit now and then.
Here is the "Meltdown" he looks calm in the picture but he was actually sobbing while he was doing this....
Here he is after the whole ordeal obviously doing okay....
The rest of the week didn't go any's hoping next week will be different...